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Position:Home>History> Summarize the Battle of Midway?

Question: Summarize the Battle of Midway!?
I have 2 exams tomorrow and a paper due!.!.!.I am pulling an all nighter trying to study!. Right now I'm studying for my Japanese class!.

What is the Battle of Midway and the Battle of Coral Sea!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Midway;The Battle of Midway Island, June 3-7, 1942
Following the Doolittle Raid on Tokyo, the Japanese decide to seize Midway Island from the US as a way of solidifying their defensive perimeter and providing a potential base for invading Hawaii, but American codebreakers learn of the Japanese plans!. In a daring move, American naval commanders set up an ambush for the Japanese fleet!. With detailed knowledge of the Japanese fleet deployment, the Americans sail their entire available carrier fleet to lay in wait North of Midway Island to deliver a surprise blow!.
Coral Sea;
The Battle of The Coral Sea, May 3-8, 1942
Japanese forces advanced unchecked throughout the South Pacific and Southeast Asia following Pearl Harbor!. They planned a sea invasion of Port Moresby in New Guinea to provide them with a base for attacks on Australia!. But an Allied fleet manages, for the first time, to halt the Japanese onslaught in The Battle of The Coral Sea!.
Good luck !