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Position:Home>History> People who dared to be differnt?

Question: People who dared to be differnt!?
I need a list of people who dared to be different!.!.!.!.!.famous people (modern day or historical)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Okay, here's a few for you to ponder:

Jesus Christ

Eleanor of Aquitaine

Joan f Arc

Christopher Columbus

Martin Luther

Thomas More

Anne Askew

Elizabeth I

Oliver Cromwell

Isaac Newton

Anne Hutchinson

William Penn

Edward Jenner

Elizabeth Peabody

Frederick Douglass

Sojourner Truth

Elizabeth Blackwell

Florence Nightingale

Antoinette Brown Blackwell

Jeannette Rankin

Pope John XXIII

Malcolm X

Martin Luther King

Karen Silkwood

This is just a very cursory list!. Google any of them and I think you'll find still others who were associated with them who were equally unafraid to not conform to the status quo!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's not a matter of daring to be different,it is a matter of being yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Elvis Presley - In terms of his dancing an stuff initially frowned upon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ben Franklin-Famous for his air baths!.Robert E Lee, offered the leadrship of the union armies, opted to fight for his state!.Benedict Arnold,could have been the next leader after Washington, oops picked the wrong side!.Dennis Rodman, this is obvious!.Wilt Chamberlain,I think his record still stands(off court)!.Yoco Ono/John Lennon,fairly different, in thier times!.Custer, sure followed his own drum!.Susan B Anthony, at least she got a coin!. Carry Nation,no happy hour for this gal!.The world loaded with people being differentfor many its just in thier natureWww@QuestionHome@Com