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Question: Is this actaully true!?
is it true that Christopher Columbus didn't really discover America it was already overrun by the Natives!? I heard this from YoutubeWww@QuestionHome@Com

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actually yes it is true!. we learned it in history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, that depends on what you mean!.

There is evidence to suggest that the "Native Americans" actually came from Asia!. They crossed the Bering Land Bridge!. They then spread out across the continent and made their own nations!.

also, Columbus wasn't the first European to discover America either!. The Vikings (under Eric the Red) landed in Greenland and Canada long before Columbus!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Natives were here first so technically they "discovered" it!.
He was the first european here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i read and heard and studied that yes there were
Indians and now they say other people here and
Eric someone really discovered America but i have no
idea if the History books say this in school and what they
teach on this subject!. but America was occupied when
Colombus got here!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Overrun" is not the word I would choose, and I would advise you to refrain from using such terminology when referring to human beings that are alive and well and using Yahoo! Answers!.

Columbus didn't discover anything!. The people inhabiting what would be called America came across the bridge from Asia!. The Vikings were actually the first Europeans to set foot in North America!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think no!. From what i learned he did find America when the Europeans were trying to look for new lands for natural resources, because the muslims controlled their trade routes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's one of the first things you learn in history!.
Yes, Native Americans were here first!.

There is evidence that Asians came to the Americas in two different ways!. Across the Bering Strait and down from the north, and also from S!.E!. Asia across the expanse of the Pacific, island hopping to Peru!. (National Geographic Magazine, April 2008)

also, it is believed that Vikings traveled across the North Atlantic to North America before Columbus' famous journey!.

Radio carbon dating places humans in the Americas as far back as 15,000 years ago!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Christopher Columbus was not the first human to come to the Americas (the Native Americans were already there), nor was he the first European (the Vikings beat him to it)!. He didn''t even realize that he had reached the Americas!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course there were natives to the land living there!. Chris thought he was in India and mistakenly labled them "Indians," the goof ball that he was!. Christopher Columbus was not the first European to discover the New World! This commonly held belief is wrong!. Columbus didn't reach the New World until 1492, 500 years after Leif Erikson's arrival in 1001 AD!.
Leif Erikson was the first European to set foot in the New World, opening a new land rich with resources for the Vikings to explore!. But for some unknown reason, the Vikings only made a few voyages to the New World after Leif!. Unfortunately, this caused his discovery to remain unknown to nearly all of Europe, which was in the midst of the Crusades!.

But as far as Europe labeling a new continent as a part of Europe and giving it the name "America" was a "discovery" by Europeans of the "new world" to them, a "European discovery", even though there were natives there, a land which they didn't discover!. Natives were there for a long time and probably walked there from another place when the earth was small, and then when it got bigger, the land broke a part and seas formed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The "Indians" or "Native Americans" were already here!. Columbus just found this side of the world and told Europe about it!. They were isolated until then!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Believe ut or notWww@QuestionHome@Com