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Question: Did the other!?
did the other beaches at normanday suffer as heavey loses on d day as uhat omaha, point du hoche beaches !? i know that the reson that those did suffer so heavily is that the raides that were suppoused to destroy the bunkers missed because of the weather what was the total causaultiys of the british and candain soilders on d day i want to know for a project im doing but i want to double check my facts!. also what happend at point du hoche i studied history in school but the only did the main landings at omhaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

The British (and the others with them) at Sword and Juno landed with little (comparatively) resistance!. They had the mechanized support they needed and the terrain was easier as well!.

Utah beach wasn't that heavily fought for either!. US troops had trouble and landed in some wrong spots, but they still made it without too many casualties!.

Omaha was the big problem!. The tanks that were needed to break through the strong defenses there had serious problems!. Most of the amphibious tanks sank before they reached the shore, so they were unable to provide the support that was needed!.

Point Du Hoc was a special case!. The US Army Rangers were sent in to scale the cliff and destroy or take the coastal guns that intelligence said had been installed there!. Those guns were large enough to hit allied ships bombarding the coast and the bunkers they were in were strong enough to withstand aerial bombardment!. The guns sat on top of a large, and heavily defended cliff!.
The Rangers landed and, with heavy casualties, scaled the cliff!. They fought their way to the bunkers only to find that the Germans had never installed the guns!. The bunkers were empty!.

A good thing for some of this information would be the movie "The Longest Day!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just to add to Yun- the Omaha beach is in the middle of the landing ground!. It was known to be the worst beach, but it had to be taken because otherwise the germans would have been able to divide the beachheads and flank each of them separately!.
The Pointe du Hoc guns were there- but not in the bunkers!. They were some 300 metres behind the bunkers- supposedly moved there to avoid aerial bombardment (which occured 2 days before the landings)
In the end the Omaha beach was taken when a few destroyers sailed close to shore and provided direct, line of sight, artillery supportWww@QuestionHome@Com

First, Pointe de Hoche was not a beach, but a cliff!.

Omaha had as many casualties as the other four beaches combined!. At Gold, Juno, Sword, and Utah the resistance was not as fierce!. Omaha was nearly a failure, but the quick actions of some rangers and a pair of destroyers saved the day!.

At Pointe do Hoche a battalion of Rangers climbed the cliffs while under fire from above to knock out the gun emplacements there!. After suffering something like 75% casualties they discovered that the guns had been moved!. So they ventured inland to find them!. When discovered, they snuck into the site and destroyed the guns with thermite and escaped undetected!. If these guns had been operational it's likely the casualties at Omaha would have been worse yet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com