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Position:Home>History> Dose any one know?

Question: Dose any one know!?
did the american solieders have to raise the flag on iwo jima twice becaucse the first flag was to small i read it somewere but i cant rember if it was fact or notWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The original flag was indeed a somewhat smaller flag!.The photographer witnessing the act of victory under fire was so moved by the scene that he captured it on movie film!.A little later a much larger flag was supplied and the still photo recreated in order to look better in newspaper pictures!. The newsreel footage shown in theaters was the original!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They raised it twice because they didn't have a camera the first time!.

Google "Flag of Our Fathers"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, they had to raise it twice 'cos the first one was too heavy!. So they had to come back with a smaller one ;)


yes u correctWww@QuestionHome@Com