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Position:Home>History> Who do you reckon was the greatest military mind in history and why?

Question: Who do you reckon was the greatest military mind in history and why!?
It can be anyone throughout history, including modern history, but I am really interested as to why!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Alexander the Great!.

I could spend all day typing why, but I'll tell you this much -

Ceaser cried because he felt he wasn't as good a general as Alexander (even though Ceaser was a genius strategist)!.
And most that came after Alexander always compare themselves to him, in the sense that they wished they could do as he did with so few!.

His tactics were revolutionary for there time!. And he always fought greater numbers than his own in battle!.

His isn't call "The Great" for nothing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

most people think Alexander the Great, because of his youth and brilliance was the best military mind in the world!. He had conquered big chunks of the Mediterranean area before he was 30!.Www@QuestionHome@Com