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Position:Home>History> Holocaust substitution account?

Question: Holocaust substitution account!?
I remember reading of someone in an extermination camp who voluntarily took the place of someone else going to be killed!. Can you tell me more or give me a link!? Different people may have sacrificed themselves like that, of course!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He was Maximillian Kolbe who gave his life to save the life of another prisoner, who was one of 10 people selected to die of starvation by the Nazi's in reprisal for someone escaping from Auschwitz (who was later found to be drowned in the latrine rather than having escaped)!. I am not religious but I find this story inspiring and gives me hope!. One link is: www!.auschwitz!.dk/kolbe!.htmWww@QuestionHome@Com

They 'might' have!. But I doubt that any of them are left!.

People are far to self-centred nowadays :(


I've read tower of two tales, a man sacrificed for love, very moving and touching!. In realistic life, there're some examples, I've heard a teacher sacrificed herself so as to protect her students from car accident!.They're holy-hearted and can received respect from the bottom of my heart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com