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Position:Home>History> US history question! please anwer me asap!!!?

Question: US history question! please anwer me asap!!!!?
1!.what's the popular belief within postwar america that the federal government had the ability to sustain permanent economic prosperity and stability in the US!?
2!.write two words that best describe trends and developments in US business and industry during the 1950's
3!.list two factors which helped produce the growth of the middle class in 1950's and two factors helped produce the growth of the suburbs during 1950's, and two thing for the growth of the tv in 1950's
4!.labor unions gained this benefit which provided for automatic cost-of-living wage increases tied to the inflation rate during the 1950's!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1: Manifest Destiny
2: Unregulated Rapacity
3: Grey Flanel Suits and Embracing Mediocrity
4: Mob Connections

If you use my answers, you deserve the grade you get!.


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