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Position:Home>History> What was a typical day like for a Duchess in England at the Victorian era?

Question: What was a typical day like for a Duchess in England at the Victorian era!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Victorian era spans quite a number of years!.

There was still much class distinction, and a duchess would probably have a townhouse in London manned by her dependable staff, and a country house where the family would retire out of the London Season!. The later Victorians and Edwardians would see the heyday of the country house party, where other aristocrats would be invited and they would go hunting, shooting and fishing, finishing the days with entertainment and good food!.

A duchess would do as little work as possible, but she would still probably oversee the house, such as seeing the housekeeper and cook in the morning to choose the meals of the day, etc!. She would dress, helped by her lady's maid, in the morning, and pay morning calls or receive them!. She might be joined for lunch by her friends, family or both!. In the afternoon, she would change again, host tea, or go for tea to a friend's home who would be on the same social level!. Then she would change again for either dinner, or for a party, or for the opera!. Around suppertime, she would probably see her children for an hour or two; the children would be living with their nursemaids, governesses, etc, on the upper floors of the house!.

Have a look around this site; it's Edwardian, but things didn't change much!.