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Position:Home>History> What's a prophet and what do they see? Also, who were some great prophets of

Question: What's a prophet and what do they see!? also, who were some great prophets of the time!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A prophet is one that learns something about the future or knows things from a "higher power!."

Both the ability to predict the future and the ability to hear things from a god are part of the role of a prophet!.

As far as what one "sees" or "hears," we can only know if they tell us!. Many of the prophesies found in the Bible are described by the writer!.

Some of the great prophets (as many would call them): Moses, David, Daniel, Jesus, Mohammad, Joseph Smith, and lots more!.

That list is compiled from multiple groups, not just one religion!. I don't believe all of them were true prophets and if you don't, that's fine!. Don't give me thumbs down for not liking the names!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A prophet is someone who sees into the future and suggests ways to avoid the harm that may beset his believers that lies there!. In the L!.D!.S!. faith their leader of the church, like unto the Pope is for the Catholics, !.!.!.is considered a prophet and he leads the church and prophesies to the things the people of the faith should do!. However one modern prophet that is not affiliated with a church is!.!.!.Edgar CayceWww@QuestionHome@Com