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Position:Home>History> Why did the western expansion lead to increased tensions between the North and S

Question: Why did the western expansion lead to increased tensions between the North and South!?
Why did the western expansion lead to increased tensions between the North and South!? plzz helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It all had to do with the balance of power in Congress!.!.!.As we (as a nation) moved westward and dicovered new lands and declaring new terrortories and such, those terrortories would eventually turn into states!. Both free and slave states would get represenatives to Congress!. But as we moved west, those (some of them) new states voted to be a free state, which in turn would upset the balance of power in Congress!. The free states could out-vote the slave states on important issues and thus isolate the slaves states!. That is why the south wanted the new states (as did the north) to enter their realm of influence and be admitted as either a free or slave state!.

Example: If the free states had a majority voice in Congress, then they could pass laws that woudl benefit the North and leave the south in the dust (So to speak)!. But if the South had a majority of votes in Congress then they could dictate what woudl be passed simply because of the votes they would have!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The question of whether or not the territories would be slave states/territories increased the tension tenfold!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hello!. the western expansion began of sorts when Texas became an independent State!. It did that first, and the US accepted them to become part of the US, but only as ONE state!. Look at a map of that era, you'll see the difference!. Texas is much larger than, say, Pennsylvania!. The anti-slave North did not wish for more slave states to enter the Union!. Then take a note of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, after the Missouri Compromise!. geez, the threat of slavery!. It's difficult for me to say more on this topic, use your wise mind!. good day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com