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Question: Mein Kampf!?
How is Hitler’s Mein Kampf reflective of the uncertainty and irrationality that came to define the interwar (the 20-ish years between the two World Wars) period, especially in Germany!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The interwar period was characterized by chaos: political, social, economic!.
There were many political parties vying for supremecy in Germany at that time!. Hitler represents one point of view!. And any ONE point of view--no matter how extreme--would have been seen by many to introduce a sort of order into a messy situation!.
The book actually represents a change in direction for Hitler!. He wrote the book in prison as a result of his aborted Munich putsch--an illegal attempt to take over the Bavarian government!. He would soon use legal--albeit quasi legal--means to achieve power!. For instance, he eventually became Chancellor thru legal means, but once in power, he used illegal means, such as roundups of his enemies, to consolidate his power!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler wrote down his ideas in that book!.
He wrote about the way he wanted to unite germany and austria together and all other stuffWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler's ideas were radical and only in these chaotic times he could find enough followers!. When you take a look at the history of a country (take the one you want) you will find that guys like Hitler always gained influence whenever the situation in the country was critical!.
Problems back then were:
- Inflation resulting from the Treaty of Versailles (reparations), the First World War and the "Ruhrkampf"
- Putsches from rightists (Kapp-Putsch) and leftists as well (Spartacist uprising, "Ruhraufstand")
- No stable coalition formation possible since there was no election threshold; often the ruling parties had no majority

But: "Mein Kampf" was written in 1924 so these things I've mentioned happened before and Germany was already heading for better times ("Roaring Twenties"); still, Germany had problems concering the unemployment figure and paying the reparations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com