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Position:Home>History> Mein Kampf --- Hitler?

Question: Mein Kampf --- Hitler!?
How is Hitler’s Mein Kampf reflective of the uncertainty and irrationality that came to define the interwar period, especially in Germany!?

furthermore (if you happen to have an opinion)!.!.!.
How were Hitler’s ideas applied in Nazi Germany!? What appeal would Hitler’s ideas have!? Why!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hitler claimed that Germany's problems stemmed from the Jews and they had to be removed out of Germany!. He later decided to kill them!. He wanted to bring Germany to a World Leader status!. When he invaded other countries and claimed them as a new Germany, the Jews had to leave there too!. I don't know his ideas, but he mainly stated that the Jews are the Devil in human form and the world, mainly the German empire needed to be free of them!. The appeal was that if you believe there is a God then it's easy to believe there is a Devil!. The other appeal was that as a German one would be the greatest beings who happened to be Aryan!. However, Hitler appealed to other races by statements that explained, other races were not to be eliminated and appeals of non racist, but fascist beliefs!. The Jews were not included however in the new world order!. Before the Holocaust the Jews were hated through out Europe!. It was not hard to find others who hated the Jews too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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