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Position:Home>History> History-To what extent has the stability of nations depend on their economic sta

Question: History-To what extent has the stability of nations depend on their economic stability and prosperity1917-1964
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Now THAT is a more intelligent question than your other!.

If you look at the USSR, you'll see that their political stability is not dictated by their economic stability or prosperity!. That's why force was necessary!. If people are prospering, they will not rise-up - unless they feel you are doing immoral things!. Obviously, China had an uprising during that time-frame!.

The USA was suffering in the 30s, but our government is so deeply dug in that we would never be able to exercise our constitutional rights except under really, truly extreme conditions where most of the country agrees to rise-up!.

Germany was suffering horribly after WWI!. The instability of their government can be said to have been effected by the instability of their economy and lack of prosperity!. France wasn't instable, if I recall correctly!.

You'll have to basically cut your time-frame down and take the major countries on a case-by-case basis!.

1917-40 (Post WWI)
1940-45 (WWII)
1945-50 (Reconstruction after WWII)
1950-65 (Cold War Years)

That is my suggestion for dividing-up your time-frame!. Now, look-up each of the countries in which you are interested using those keywords and the country name!. It will take a lot of reading, but you'll be the better for it!.

At least they won't accuse you of being a book-worm!. :-PWww@QuestionHome@Com

History sucks!
