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Position:Home>History> Did rosa parks get saved/ received salvation?

Question: Did rosa parks get saved/ received salvation!?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
America mourned when Rosa Parks, considered by many to be the mother of the civil rights movement, died on October 24, 2005!. Her death came 50 years after she quietly changed the course of American history!.

It was on December 1, 1955 that Parks, tired from a day of work as a department store seamstress, took a seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama, and waited for it to leave!. Parks was sitting in the front row of the section reserved for blacks!. When a white man got on the bus and found there were no more seats in the white section, he commanded Parks to move!. She bravely refused!.

Parks, who had been raised in a devout African Methodist Episcopal home, wrote in her 2000 book "Quiet Strength," "Since I have always been a strong believer in God, I knew that He was with me, and only He could get me through that next step!."

That next step was to be forcibly removed from the bus, arrested, and charged with disorderly conduct!. That punishment inspired a huge outpouring of support, including a 381-day boycott of the Montgomery, Alabama bus system, led by a young Baptist minister named Martin Luther King, Jr!.

Parks's steadfast refusal to give in to bigotry and hate eventually led to the 1956 court ruling that desegregated Alabama's public transportation and, later, the 1964 Federal Civil Rights Act!. However, her day-to-day life in Montgomery suffered--she received threats and taunts regularly--so she and husband Raymond moved to Detroit in 1957!.

Her faithful fight for good causes didn't stop once she arrived in Michigan!. She continued to promote education and racial understanding, and was a speaker on civil rights well into her 80s!. In 1996 she received the Presidential Medal of Freedom and in 1999 the Congressional Gold Medal!.

Parks was 92 when she died, but her remarkable legacy will live on for years to come!.

It is not my call to state whether or not she "got saved" however, I truly believe that she had a close walk with god as her actions exemplifies!.
