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Position:Home>History> Wish you were born in another era?

Question: Wish you were born in another era!?
just for the country side be settlers horses and wagons instead of high gas prices , respectable kids that dont back talk ,i want to hear some opions on which you would rather live in the past eras which one and whyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I’m totally in love with the 1950’s and 60’s!. It was an era of great change and diversity, good ethics, family values, and morals, and people made a good wage for their labor!. Back it that day and age, a dollar would buy a loaf of bread, half a gallon of milk, and you would still have change left over for a candy bar!. Cars were cool and fast, woman were liberated, and black folks were finally starting to share in equality of rights!.
American innovation and industry stayed home in those days!. Almost everything was made in America!. Land and houses were cheap, and gas was 40 cents a gallon!. In those days you weren't pestered by your cell phone, and if you had too much to drink, the cops would just take you home!. Woman were ladies, and dresses were beautiful and fashionable!. It was a time of sexual revolution and freedom of the likes we will never see again!. Woman had the coolest hats in those days, and Jackie O’ was a real fashion statement!. I was born 30 years too late!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I should have been born in the midieval era!. I do not think i belong here I get too angry lol!. Either that or I should have been a pirate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't want to live in the past!. I feel things have gotten better!.

If I lived, say, 120 years ago, I would have died at 15 years old due to diabetesWww@QuestionHome@Com

As good as the other eras might seem to us, please remember that we almost always see them through rose-tinted glasses!. I'm sure we have it much easier in these days than most eras have so far!.
Especially speaking for us women, we have never been on such an equal level as men before!. Imagine a world where a man could beat you severely and nobody would do anything about it!? Imagine when we couldn't vote, when we were thought of as nothing but fragile centerpieces!.

Do you know how difficult settlers had it back then!? Just think- you basically have your first child at 14!. And you better expect it to die before it reaches three months!. If you get lucky enough to see your child reach 15- you've probably already died of cholera!. That's a very simplified version but I think if you lived in the settler's era you'd think that having hardly ANY life-threatening circumstances or diseases and being almost assured that all your children will survive and knowing that your only complaint would be paying too much money!.!.!. Well!.!.!.

Someone watches too much Little House on the Prairie!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i wouldnt becuase i enjoy my freedom far too much, and as a woman, in any other era i would be oppressed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hell no!. every era has its difficulties!. and i like this era!. i cannot imagine living back then, people being so strict, the government being so corrupt, so much physical labor!. not that i'm lazy or anything, but i just dont understand why anyone would want to be born in a past era!. i like having computers, cars, schools a good home, ventilation systems, sewers!. although there are consequences to them, its good to live in a place as advanced as today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wish I was born in Feudal China!. I am an avid looker into the past of China and Japan and am fascinated my the martial arts!. I would love to experience the life of a traveling monk and would love to garner the knowledge and understanding that shaped so many form of weapon and martial combat as well as a seeking for inner peace!. This is why and if I could the answer would also be yes!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would have died much younger if I was born much earlier than the present!. I had kidney failure in 2003!. Now, I have blood clots in my legs!. These ailments would have killed me when medicine was more primitive!. Rameses II was perhaps the richest and most powerful man of his time!. His mummy has abcesses on its gums that were surely agonizing!. Today, even a poor can have dentistry!. People who glorify the past do not think profoundly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If I could be in another time and place, it would be in the Holy Roman Empire territories that now make up Germany in either between 1500 and 1580 or between 1685 and 1750!. The reasons being:

1!.) 1500-1580: I would be able to see first-hand the unfolding of the Evangelical (Lutheran) Reformation and all the events and disputes that impacted it and finally resulted in the composition of and propagation of the Concordia (Book of Concord) in 1580

2!.) 1685-1750: I would be able to behold the life and work of the "Fifth Evangelist", Johann Sebastian Bach!.Www@QuestionHome@Com