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Position:Home>History> What did the Education Act of 1912 (in Britain) say?

Question: What did the Education Act of 1912 (in Britain) say!?
need to know, can't find it on google!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm afraid there is not a 1912 Education Act!. The only Act of Parliament relating to education that year was the Elementary School Teachers (Supperannuation) 1912 c12!. This fixed the rates of contributions and benefits!.

For a full set of Education Acts have a look at http://www!.vam!.ac!.uk/moc/childrens_lives!.!.!.

This answer was provided by Enquire, a 24-hour, live question answering and enquiry service offered by public librarians across England and Scotland in collaboration with partners in the United States!. If you liked our answer and would like us to help you find another, you can chat with one of us right now by clicking on Enquire on the People’s Network site at http://www!.peoplesnetwork!.gov!.ukWww@QuestionHome@Com

are you sure it is not the 1902 act which created secondary education!? Thats the real milestone for many!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

section 1 (1) Education Act 1912: Don't disrespect your teacher or else you will get the cane on your ar$eWww@QuestionHome@Com