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Question: Roman empire question!?
what was the universal language of Europe, North Africa and the middle east during the Roman Empire!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There was no universal language for the entire Roman Empire!.
Because in the west they spoke manly Latin, but in the east they spoke Alexandrian Greek!.
But when it fell in 410 A!.D!. and split, making it two!.
The universal of all the west was Latin!. For offical things!.
And the universal for all the east was A!. Greek!. For offical things!.
But people in conqured lands still spoke in native!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I doubt there was a universal language!. The official language of the Empire was Latin, but people in the conquered lands used their native language in most cases!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Im not sure that there was ever such a language which could be termed 'universal' but Latin was spoken or at least understood by some of the people of from some of the regions you mention!.
Although Latin might have been the language used by official, administrators or the upper classes, most people in Europe around the beginning of the 1st millenium would have been speaking a wide range of celtic languages; North Africa - !. Berber and the Middle East i!.e!. Aramaic, Greek!.

But it also depends on which period of the Roman empire you're thinking of!.Www@QuestionHome@Com