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Position:Home>History> Why did Abraham Lincoln free the slaves and starting smiling?

Question: Why did Abraham Lincoln free the slaves and starting smiling!?
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Not sure about the smiling part, since that was never a strong Lincoln trait!.

Lincoln always abhored slavery, but he also understood the law of the country, and didn't believe it was in the the President's power to abolish slavery!. During the war, however, he admitted that he took acts under the emergency of war which would not have been legal during peacetime!. He took a lot of dictatorial powers because it was necessary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He freed the slaves because he came to an understanding that all human are equal, that we have all been both black and whites in our infinite past and we will still be black and white in our infinite future!. So I get so angry when I see some people thinking low about black people !. Not aware that they themselves have been black before in their previous life and they could still be in the next life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don’t really know why he was smiling, because the question is kind of unclear, but I think it was more than just care!.
Being honest, slavery had to end in the U!.S!. and you can say Lincoln foresaw this!.
Morals and ideas of equality were part; but I think people forget the economic reason of ending slavery!.
The industrial revolution was beginning to take way and the ratio of workers for x amount of product was changing!. Now you needed less and less workers for x product most of the time you needed less workers for more product!.
On top of this, ending slavery allowed a fair market to non-slaves who could use some of the jobs that the industrial revolution were creating and the populace of non-salves were growing and they needed jobs!. If Lincoln didn’t end slavery, another president would have!. But if another president ended it, would the same care towards blacks post-slavery be put forth can be questioned!.

So maybe he was smiling at a job well done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wish i could believe he freed the slaves 'cause it was the right thing to do, but I fear it was because he wanted to be re-elected

and "starting smiling"!? you're on your own thereWww@QuestionHome@Com