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Position:Home>History> A few questions pertaining to World History?

Question: A few questions pertaining to World History!?
-who was the first president of the Second French Republic!?
-What did Giuseppe Garibaldi's do with his conquests!?
-What type of politics did Otto von Bismarch practice!?
-What achieved German unity!?
-By expanding the right to vote to the industrial middle class, what did Britain avoid!?
-What were the attitudes of the Victorian Age!?
-What principles did the US Constitution commit the United States to!?
-What issues threatened American national unity during the 19th century!?
-Before the 1860s, the economy of the southern United States depended on what!?
-What did Pasteur propose!?
-How did Darwin's ideas change society!?

Thanks much =] !Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Do your own homework, honey!.Www@QuestionHome@Com