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Position:Home>History> Why the Turks deny the Genocide of the Armenian people?

Question: Why the Turks deny the Genocide of the Armenian people!?
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That and the same reason the Nazi's and their neo-Nazi imitators deny the Holocausst!.!.!.because they are idiots!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It doesn't attract tourists, and when you have an economy which is as tied to tourism as theirs, they have to deny it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For the same reasons some Germans still deny the Holocaust - it's not good for business!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because if they did, they might have to do something about itWww@QuestionHome@Com

They dont feel it was their fault!. They believe the Ottomans didn't deliberately kill them, though they killed many and herded the rest into the desert to die!. also, the cite the French not owning up to their genocide in Algeria and the British in KenyaWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Turks deny the term 'genocide'; they don't deny the tragic events which happened in 1915!.

Turkey believes that past events and controversial periods of history should be left to the historians!. Not to politicians and lobbyists!.

The Turkish Government has opened all its archives, including military records!.

In 2005, Turkey officially proposed to the Government of Armenia to establish a joint commission of history, composed of historians and other experts from both sides to study together the events of 1915 not only in the archives of Turkey and Armenia but also in the archives of all relevant third countries and to share their findings with the public!.

Unfortunately, Armenia has not responded positively to this initiative!.

I wonder why!?

(By the way, the United Kingdom also denies the Armenian genocide!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

They DO deny the tragic events, not only the term genocide!. In fact, their new method is to say that Armenians made up the genocide to get money, or that the Armenians did genocide on them, etc!.!.!. and with all the pictures, stories, and evidence of the Armenian Genocide, too! It's really ridiculous!. And America shouldn't try to please them!.!.!. The USA doesn't depend on Turkey as much as Turkey depends on the US, without our money, they're hopeless!Www@QuestionHome@Com

They deny it was a deliberate, methodical genocide, they see it as part of their wars of Independence during and after the first world war!. It was one of the horrors of war, like Turks leaving Europe, or Native Americans being cleansed from an entire continent!. It's a bigger deal among the Armenian Diaspora in America than in Armenia itself!. They realise they have to get on with their neighbours and move forward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Taner Akcam, a Turkish
historian explains this in
the article I have posted!.
Turkey and unfortunately
any country who feels bullied
by Turkey in some way
still denies the Armenian
Genocide, although there
are not many countries left
that Turkey can manipulate,
there are still a few who hold
back their acceptance because
of Turkish Government threats!.
One day Turkey will stand completely
alone in their denial, and the
rest of the world will stand
together against all Genocides!.Www@QuestionHome@Com