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Position:Home>History> Death toll of ALL the wars?

Question: Death toll of ALL the wars!?
I know that's probably an impossible question to answeer, but please if you know the answer!!? (That would be dating back to as far as we can remember to the present day- Thanks)! =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is no real way of estimating this!.

I don't know where people get the idea that they can do that, but its not really possible!. Historians spend so much time just debating how many people were involved in each military on each side in battles as close as the 1800's, how are they supposed to calculate the number killed in all the battles we know of!?

The closest thing we can probably do is guesstimate based on the population of the human race!. They estimate there have been 100 Billion humans in history!. If that is the case, it is reasonable to estimate that 1% or higher died in wars!.

also, one must remember that people die in wars from more than combat!. In the millenia leading up to now, more may have died from disease than from combat!. There is also the fact that people died due to lack of food because of those wars!.
If we're going to get a number, we would have to say whether its just from combat or the other things as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To be exact, it is possible to predict the number as being around 2, 955, 259, 028 including all small conflicts included!. This figure is accurate to a spectrum of plus or minus 1 million lives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's countless!. People fought wars since they were not human race :]
We know much about ancient Egypt, Greece, even China, but not much about American, northern Asian, northern European tribes!. Well, it can't be counted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com