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Position:Home>History> Why are the colonists justified in the American revolution, but the South wasn&#

Question: Why are the colonists justified in the American revolution, but the South wasn't during the Civil War!?
I understand that in the constitution its illegal to do what the south did, but the declaration of independence says "!.!. it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and to institute a new government!.!.!." basically the colonists and the south were basically fighting against a gov't they thought was too powerful, so why is one seen as good and the other not goodWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Who said that the South was not justified to do what we did!. We fired on Fort Sumpter because you Yankees were still there and wouldn't leave the Confederate State of South Carolina!. We had seceded from The United States and established The Confederate States of America!. Thanks for asking the question, Son!. We instituted a new government!. Pack up and come on down here, Son!. You sound like you might have some sense!. I was thirteen years old before I knew that Damn and Yankee was two different words!.
Texans have license to act this way!. Thank You!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because no matter how much people blather on about States Rights etc, the South was fighting for the right to enslave people and in a Nation claiming Christian Principals Slavery is an Immoral Act!.

Peace // \\ // \\ // \Www@QuestionHome@Com

The American Revolution was fought for freedom!. The South fought for slavery!. Not state's rights!. The Confederate Constitution itself denied to the states the right to abolish slavery in the boundaries!. For the South, slavery always trumped states rights!.
After the Mexican War, they did not want new states carved from Mexico to bar slavery either!. Then the Dred Scott decision of 1857 seemed to guarantee the extension of slavery everywhere in the country!.

The South fought to protect and even spread slavery to the territories!. The North was against the spread of slavery to the territories!.

The South also was fighting against a government they had lost control of!. The South had dominated the national government for fifty years!.

Post war apologists still claim the war was over states' rights, too ashamed to admit to the real motivations of their ancestors!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Short answer: colonists were fighting for freedom from tyranny!.
The south was fighting fellow countrymen because they didn't want to give up slave labor!. There was a lot more to it, but that's it in a nutshell!.
The South did not have the material support it needed to win, the North had more states that could support the effort!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The difference is more geographical than anything else!. America was a colony of Great Britain's and was not part of England the country!. Where as the south was part of the United States as they had ratified the constitution!. Slavery was the most important divide between the North and the South stemming from the revolution as the north had wanted to end it during the split from England where the South did not, really the civil war came about because neither the North or the South was happy with the resolution regarding slavery during the drafting of the constitution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com