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Position:Home>History> Georges Clemenceau, Woodrow Wilson & David Lloyd George?

Question: Georges Clemenceau, Woodrow Wilson & David Lloyd George!?
What aims of theirs were achieved exactly!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
These three men are known as the 'Big Three' and were the most important people in creating the Treaty of Versailles that ended WWI!.

Wilson came to the Paris with his 'Fourteen Points', which were fourteen different things that he beleived should be included in the treaty, they included freedom of seas, open depomacy, removal of trade barriors, and creating new countries such as Poland and Czecholovakia!. In the end he did acheive self-determination for Poland, Czecholovakia, and other new countries and a League of Nations were created (but the US never aproved the treaty and the US never joined the League of NAtions and it fell apart after a few years)!. Wilson did leave with some disappointment though, like, many of his 14 Points were ignored, England oopposed freedom of seas, and only defeated countries were forced to disarm!.

Lloyd George achieved a very reduced German Navy and gained many colonies for Germany but he disliked Clemencea's harshness and thought some parts of the treaty were unwise!.

Clemenceau achieved disarmament of Germany, regaining Alsace-Lorraine taken in the Franco-Prussian Warm, harm reparations, and Clause 231 said that Germany is blamed for all the damage in the war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Okay, These three guys made up the "Big Three" at the signing of the Treaty of Versailles!. All tree men wanted to make sure that such a war never happened again!. Wilson published his "14 Points" and didn't really get squat (except the Leauge of Nations)!. Wilson didn't want to punish the Germans but that is what wound up happening anyway (which is what Clemenceau wanted to start with)!.

George wanted justice but not "revenge" so to say!. Instead he proposed that the Germans pay for the war (which is exactly what happened)!. The Germans paid for the war to the point of poverty!. He tried to get a compromise between Wilson and Clemenceau but ultimately Clemenceau got his way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com