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Position:Home>History> History Question. I dont understand this question about slavery?

Question: History Question!. I dont understand this question about slavery!?
Free slaves in the North were/had

A!. the same living conditions as people in the north
B!. were commonly discriminated!.

i only ask because, wasnt the North antislavery!? and werent there a couple of slaves that own land!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The situation in the Northern, anti-slavery states was complex!.Some people were dead set against slavery and treated everyone fairly!.The Quakers are a good example!.
However although others in the north might have been against slavery that did not necessarily mean that they felt any sympathy for people of color!.Then there were down right bigots that did not like any non-white whether slave or free!.So yes, although not legally slaves, many free blacks in the North and the South were subject to discrimination,segregation and even hostility at times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's B!. Just because you're free doesn't mean it was fair!.
In a sense they were sometimes hated more, because poor northerns didn't want them taking 'their' jobs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The north was somewhat anti-slavery (New York didn't abolish it until July 4, 1827), but that didn't mean they loved free blacks!. No slave could own land or anything else!. There were free blacks who owned slaves, though!.
Free blacks commonly suffered discrimination!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would take this to mean that the question is referring to people that were once slaves in the south, but then moved to the north after they were freed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think their may be a mistake because living conditions for slaves in the south were the same conditions of lots of free white people in the north!. And The slaves were discriminated every where because people moved from north to south and south to North so just because you lived in the north does not mean you are anti-slaveryWww@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on how far north you went!. Slaves who stopped in the northern US were technically 'free' but were discriminated against!. Yes, a few owned their own land, but by and large they lived on the edge of poverty!.
Those who made it across the border into Canada had a much better time of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com