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Position:Home>History> During the era of Hitler's rise to power, did Germany have an official ideol

Question: During the era of Hitler's rise to power, did Germany have an official ideology!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Prior to the Nazi's assumption of absolute power (look up Reich stag fire), Germany was a type of Democracy!. The range of ideology ran from the Nazi party to the communist party, as well as several other ideologies!. So: no there was no official ideology, but several different parties, all trying to obtain a majority of their Parliment!. Much like the United states, prior to its disintegration from a democracy to a bipartisan shell game!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. The workers should get better benefits, pay that actually compensates them for their work, etc!. They also had this strange believe that all people should be able to find work and feed their families!.

People have the same basic concerns all over the world, until those are met, then they become bored with themselves and make-up stupid TV shows, jump off of cliffs for sport, and spend an hour every day in front of the mirror making themselves look like someone they aren't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes it is starting to happen again today, so you can see yourself!. For instance, the polygamist group in Texas, today!. They are trying to, procreate, within their own race, and start a new religion and ideology, which is to keep, women and children, very uninformed ,and ignorant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

NO - - - there was no State Ideology, a majority of Germans were Protestant mainly in the North and in Berlin, and Catholic in the South especiallyin Bavaria!. There was a strong Nationalist streak in Germany but never as a form of state encouraged ideology!.

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Bearstir and Nightsh are right!. There were popular attitudes shared by all classes, such as a general loathing of Jews, but this was common to nearly every country in Europe!. The Germans also in general disdained people who couldn't or wouldn't work, as they had a very strong work ethic (this is one reason why the high joblessness rate was so devastating to German pride)!. The Versailles treaty was universally unpopular, and the upper classes in Prussia hated jazz, as they saw it as jungle music and feared its corrupting influence!. But Berlin was a cosmopolitan city, much more liberal than the rest of Germany!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What heatherceana said in her first paragraph is how the Nazi's came to power!. The promised solutions to the many economic problems, and insecurities felt by the German people!. One doesn't come to power just by saying lets kill this group or that group!. That part, while part of Nazi ideology, wasn't evident to the average German at first!. It took a decade of indoctrination of the German people (though youth groups, recruitment into the SS, ect!.) for that and other Nazi ideologies to catch hold!.Www@QuestionHome@Com