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Position:Home>History> Did calvin coolidge excel in anything during his education?

Question: Did calvin coolidge excel in anything during his education!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Coolidge graduated from Black River Academy, Vermont, but failed his initial entrance exam to Amherst College!. He spent one term at St!. Johnsbury Academy, Vermont before entering Amherst!. He dropped John from his name upon graduating from college!. At Amherst, Coolidge became a member of the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta and joined the College Republicans in 1892!. While there, Coolidge met Dwight Morrow, who would become a life-long friend!. Coolidge would later credit Charles E!. Garman, a professor of philosophy and ethics, with having a significant influence on his education!. He graduated *** laude in 1895!. At graduation, Coolidge was selected by his classmates to compose and read the Grove Oration, a humorous speech traditionally given during the graduation ceremony!.Www@QuestionHome@Com