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Position:Home>History> What were the Goals of specific countries at the end of World War 2?

Question: What were the Goals of specific countries at the end of World War 2!?
Goals of the United States
Goals of the Soviet Union
Goals of Great Britain
Goals of FranceWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Soviet Union, probably spread it's revolution, keeping hold of it's gains in eastern europe!.

United States, preventing another war, replace Britain as the world's largest economy, they did this even during the war by lending large amounts to britain on condition that the Dollar became the global currency instead of Stirling!.

France, rebuild at home and in the her empire, keep US and soviet influence to a minimum!.

Britain, recovery of a shaterd economy (rationing was kept on untill the mid 50's), a peaceful indipendance for India, massive social reform at home (NHS etc) and preventing communism from spreading (succesful in Malaysia)!. also maintain Empire and world influence (un succesful in Suez and Palestine, Jewish terrorists and the US forcing britain to go back on it's promise to the Arabs)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The United States!.!.Expand their influence!.
Great Britain and France!.!.!.Maintain their influence through Colonialism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com