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Position:Home>History> What was an important legacy of the Phoenicians?

Question: What was an important legacy of the Phoenicians!?
A) Their monotheistic beliefs inspired Judeo- Christian religion!.
B) Their establishment of a centralized bureaucratic state influenced the political structure of the Persian Empire
C) Their development of alphabetic writing system was adapted by the Greeks!.
D) Their system of legal codification was adopted in its entirety by the Romans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The only possible answer here is C, though it is actually a bit inaccurate!. The Phoenicians, haling from port cities on the North Syrian coast, SPREAD the Semitic alphabet to their various trading partners, most notably the Greeks!.

The inaccuracy of this is that the Phoenicians themselves did NOT invent the alphabetic system!. That came earlier, from a related group of Semitic people, apparently living in the Sinai (near Egypt) and perhaps inspired by one part of the Egyptian hieroglyphic writing system

You can even see the relationship of these alphabets in the WORD "alphabet" and many of its letters!. "Aleph" and "beth" are the words in Phoenician, Hebrew and other related Semitic languages that were used to refer to the first two letters of their alphabet (drawn from the words for "ox" and "house")!. When the Greeks adopted this system they borrowed many of the letter names too, though the Greek names ("alpha, beta" etc) actually have NO meaning in Greek! (That's why the Romans later changed the names to simply be based on the SOUND - which is where English ended up with "ay, be, cee!.!.!.")

As for the other answers
- the Phoenicians were NOT monotheists (as we see from the mythological texts they left behind, telling as of El and Baal and Anat, etc)
- the Phoenicians established trading colonies but NEVER the sort of bureaucratic system used to run an empire (the Assyrians and Babylonians were the first to do so in the Mesopotamian region)
- Phoenicians did not codify any system of laws so far as we know (though Mesopotamians [including the Babylonians] and Hebrews did)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do the reading
If you believe ANY of the wrong answers you will remain totally confused!. Find out why they are wrong!. Multiple choice answers are developed to determine your understanding not to try to trick you into getting a poor grade!.
If you don't believe me,print this out and show it to your teacher!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

C!.) The Phoenicians developed the earliest known alphabet!. The Greek alphabet was derived from the Phoenician!.

There were earlier forms of writing, but those earlier systems of writing lacked the representation of vowels!. The Phoenician system included both consonants and vowels and was much more efficient than earlier systems like cuniform, pictographs, and hieroglyphics!.

Answers A, B, and D are all untrue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com