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Position:Home>History> DO you know any examples of religion leading to conflict?

Question: DO you know any examples of religion leading to conflict!?
It could be in the past or present!. So far, I hae the Holocaust and the Genocide in Rwanda!.

ANY OTHERS!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Thats an easy one, :P The war in Iraq right now is over Religion, all the Muslims are killing one another because they split into two groups the Shites, and the Sunnis I believe!., they did this since when the original founder of the religion ((Muhammad)) Died they had arguments over who should take control over the religion, a descendant or relative of Muhammad, or a holy man!. Now we have a huge war going on :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

the CrusadesWww@QuestionHome@Com

How 'bout the whole "Middle-East Crisis" !.!.!.

How about the conflict in Ireland which stemmed from a whole Catholic versus Protestant disagreement!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The current Israeli/Palestinian conflict is a combination of a fight over land rights and religion/religous freedom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Almost all conflicts, with the possible exception of the First Crusade, have some geopolitical logic extraneous to any perceived religious conflict!. Religion is a justification, not a cause!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Reformation Movement and the wars in Ireland!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yep - and I'm sure that's what you've been studying most recently!.
Why don't you take a good look at your textbook - it should summarize them ALL for you - or at least the ones you'll need to know a bit about for the final!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The attacks and later destruction of the World Trade Towers on Sept!. 9, 2001!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are you kidding!? Start with the Crusades!. Then look at the Sunni and the Shiites today - and all along the timeline inbetween those two events, you will find conflict spewing from reglious disputes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ireland, the conflict between Protestants and Catholics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rise & Fall of Babloynian Empire
Rise & Fall of Arysian Empire
Roman Empire
Regin of Athlia the Hun
Regin of Gengis Khan
Regin of Egyptain PharoahsWww@QuestionHome@Com

There has been fighting in the Middle East, particularly Jerusalem, that has stemmed from religion for over 2000 years!. The Romans took Israel, Jewish extremists fought against the Romans (Zealots - think of Barrabas in the Bible, and Simon Peter may have been a zealot before Jesus taught him peace!. They were essentially terrorists, showing that terrorism is not a modern idea!.) This fighting carried on for a couple of hundred years, until Hadrian finally sorted it out, and banned Jews from Jerusalem!.

With the Jews subdued, Jerusalem was relatively peaceful for a couple of hundred years, until the Persians attempted to expand their empire, and thought they'd capture Jerusalem from the Romans, who were now Christian!. They managed, and the city was now under Muslim rule!.

A few hundred years of peace followed, until the middle ages!. Christian armies from Europe marched on the city, to free it from the Muslims!. Both sides saw the city as religiously significant!. To the Christians, this was where Christ had died and risen again!. To the Muslims, this was where Abraham - a prophet to them as well as to the Jews - had established a covenant with Allah, and was ready to sacrifice his son, Ishmael (though in Judaism and Christianity, it was his other son, Isaac)!. Jerusalem was also where Muhammad had ascended to heaven!.

The Crusades continued for 200 years, until the Muslim sultan gave Jerusalem to the Christians!. But then the Turks had a go at capturing Jerusalem, to get it back for the Muslims!. The Muslims kept the city until the 20th Century!.

In 1917, the British army captured Jerusalem, and soon plans were put in place to establish a Jewish state!. This finally happened in 1948, and Israel existed for the first time since the Romans!. But the Muslims weren't happy, and fighting broke out anew, with both sides claiming that the city was rightfully there's!. For over half a century, fighting has been rife, and rarely out of the news!. Even this morning, there were headlines about Jimmy Carter negotiating peace between the two sides!.

And so you can see, religion can very easily lead to conflict, and once started it is not easily diffused!. 2000 years of religious fighting tells all that it needs to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com