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Position:Home>History> Children in canada from 1820-1850?

Question: Children in canada from 1820-1850!?
I need some detailes on how children lived in that time period ASAP!. e!.g!. what games they played, what kind of clothes they wear, etc!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
""Toys," said a Victorian commentator, "shed sunlight on the pathway of childhood!." Potters had a share in the business that nineteenth-century toys and children's presents generated!.
Little girls played with earthenware and porcelain tablewares, learning at the same time how to set a table properly!. Sometimes their toyware was in the same pattern as their mother's table service!.!.!.For children, too, there were presents of mugs!. The mugs often had the name of the child painted or printed on them!. On porcelain ones the name might be painted in gold!."

They played with marbles also!.

Toys and Games In the 19th century, Canadians shared current Victorian ideas on child-raising, which saw children as a special group needing play and recreation, along with a firm and religious upbringing!. This view coincided with the introduction of mass-production methods!. Toy manufacturers in England, France, Germany and, after 1850, the US, supplied their own markets and also exported to Canada!. Between 1860 and 1915 some 20 Canadian manufacturers also made toys for Canadian children!.!.!.!.Lots more on toys here: http://www!.thecanadianencyclopedia!.com/i!.!.!.

And on clothing: http://dept!.kent!.edu/museum/exhibit/kids!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com