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Position:Home>History> Critics of war constitute a clear and present danger to the U.S.?

Question: Critics of war constitute a clear and present danger to the U!.S!.!?
Do you think critics of war constitute a clear and present danger to the U!.S!? Explain!.

We are talking about this is my history class and I'm wondering what everyone else thinks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Absolutely NOT!

Those who blindly follow the administration's failed, disasterous policies in the war might just as easily be claimed as such! Our bill of rights protects our right (and I think, responsibility) to speak out about what's going on in our country, and to equate criticising the war (or the president, or anything elseour government does in our name with out money) with treason is simply mind-bogglingly wrong!. If you wish to defend that assertion, the ask yourself this: if that's so, then didn't the Republicans who criticized and impeached Clinton represent a Clear and Present Danger!? I mean, is all citicism a threat!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the war mongers and torture advocates present a clear danger to the US, its constitution, and its people!. Dissent = Patriotism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Although annoying and possibly odious, critics of the war are in no way a clear and present danger!. Every war the US has ever fought has had its share of critics!. The ability to criticize is one distinction of the US that sets it apart from many other countries!.

What is dangerous, although not clear and present, is the seemingly growing sense of national self-loathing that the war critics often espouse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes ignoring threats and pandering to the bleeding hearts will get us all converted to islam or killed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my opinion the answer is no, if you're talking about the Iraq War!.

The lies which convinced Americans to support the Iraq War constitute a clear and present danger to everyone!.

Why would you support an unwinable conflict!?
The Iraq War is taking a massive toll on the youth of America and also on the economy of the country!.

The critics only present a danger those in power who support this lost cause and find no problem with sacrificing and destroying more lives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com