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Position:Home>History> Interracial couples in the 1800s?

Question: Interracial couples in the 1800s!?
how were interracial couples looked upon between the 1800-1900s!?

did they exist and what did people think about them!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The time frame you refer to was not a good time for open interracial relationships regardless of race or ethnicity!. Of course there were relationships just not in the open!. I think there are more historical accounts describing family histories and when the relationships existed!. Not all interracial off-springs came about by rape but also some by sincere relationships that could not come out in the open!. Bias and bigotry could not prevent all love!. You have a good question and no the answer is not obvious so keep looking and be surprised at all you find!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm sure they existed, but I can't believe you'd need to ask what people thought about themWww@QuestionHome@Com