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Position:Home>History> Who Else Was Depressed By Anne Franks Story?

Question: Who Else Was Depressed By Anne Franks Story!?
I read the book, the play, and saw the movie and it just depressed me that they went through that!. Can you imagine what is was like back then!?!!?!!?!!?! For familys like Anne Franks and the poor jews in World War 2!. Can you also believe that some ignorant people believe the Holocaust didnt happen!?!!?!!?!!? I just felt depressed when I did all this research on Holocaust and Anne Frank but it also made me very sad!. If one of you sickos out there dont feel depressed by her story then you are not human!. also who wants to meet Miep/Meip!? I want to meet her soooo bad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Zecablanca, her story is heart rending, I will agree!. Prejudice knows no bounds and all of the atrocities that can go with it!. Hitler picked the Jews when it was really the Jewish people who did more for Germany than anyone else!. He just needed a scape goat, and they were it!. You might want to know that the clocks in the family store never chimed, not once, until her birthday after she had died, and I believe the store had been bought by a Christian family/Www@QuestionHome@Com

i felt the same way when i read her diary!.!.!.!.!. it was very sad!.!.!.!.!. i ended up researching the holucast alot to!.!.!.!.!. tragic stories!.!.!.!.!. i can toatally relate to how you are feeling!.!.!Www@QuestionHome@Com

my late best friend had lunch with miep!. he was struck by the way she always said, "i didn't do anything special!. anyone would have done that!."

why don't you write to miep!? unless something dreadful has happened since the last time i checked, she is still with us!. she turned 99 years old in february this year!.

this site is dedicated to her; i am not sure if the "contact" form contacts miep or the webmasters: http://www!.miepgies!.dk/index!.htm

this page purports to give contact info for her (and has a different birthdate for her than i have seen elsewhere, but who knows!?): http://www!.fanmail!.biz/106522!.html


p!.s!. oh forgot to answer your question!. no, not depressed about that!. depressed that people still deny the holocaust happened, and that there are people who would support another holocaust against the jews in the blinking of an eye, and that there are other peoples being slaughtered right now with less organization but just as much evil intent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well i was very moved!.Depressed i don't know tens of millions of people died in ww2!.I'm sure there are a lot more heartbreaking stories!.Www@QuestionHome@Com