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Position:Home>History> Why do people think Che Guevara was a hero?

Question: Why do people think Che Guevara was a hero!?
I realized after watching andy garcias' movie, the lost city, that guevara just a sadistic insane man!. I read some excerpts of a book written by a cuban writer, which i forgot his name!. there were many episodes of him doing a summary execution of peasants, women and children!.

Which led me wondering how come holiwood films portraying guevara are always favorable like "motor cycle diaries" for instance!.

From east to east, young to old, college boys to college professors, everybody believes this sadists was a hero!. It makes me wonder the validity of all the history that has been recorded for the last 2000 years!.

The other day I saw a column in a national newspaper praising his deeds!. I can always see TV programs commemorating his accomplishment!. I think he is not even comparable to Castro!. At least Castro had a vision!. Guevara seems to be just a insane soldier without principle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Look at his time in Angola to get a good perspective on what he was all about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com