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Position:Home>History> What effect did the Spanish Revolution ('36-'39) have on the U.S.?

Question: What effect did the Spanish Revolution ('36-'39) have on the U!.S!.!?
it seems that the only involvement we had was that the government put an arms embargo on both the loyalist and the rebels!. what effect!. overall, did the Spanish Revolution have on America!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't think the Spanish Civil war had much impact here!. It mostly attracted the attention of intellectuals (the murder of Federico Garcia Lorca and systematic persecution and imprisonment of intellectuals didn't sit well with intellectuals all over the world)!. The Spanish Civil War here was highly "romanticized" in those circles!. That's how some Americans volunteered and joined the international brigade!. Other than that, I don't recall having heard or read of any other involvement by the US!.Www@QuestionHome@Com