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Position:Home>History> WWII warfare?

Question: WWII warfare!?
i understand it!.!.well!.!.!.i did!.!.!.!.in class!.!.!.!.but my notes suck b/c i was so sucked into what the teacher was saying!.!.!.!.

I just need a simple outline with a sumarizing detail!.!.!.!.

(i!.e!., Operation Torch: the u!.s!. wanted to find a place to enter Europe through and to get oil)
something like this!.!.simple and understandable!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You have the invasion of North Africa "Operation Torch" (1942) and the invasion of Europe "Operation Overlord" (1944) confused!.
I hope I can clear up the confusion for you!.

Operation Torch - November 8th 1942
The invasion of North Africa, in what was named "Operation Torch," was designed to encircle German troops stationed there!. American troops went ashore in French North Africa with limited opposition!. Soon after the landings, French troops defected to the American side!. American and British troops advanced towards Tunisia, where they met stiff German opposition!.

Operation Overlord - Was the invasion of Europe!. It started with the the Normandy Landings on D-Day the 6th of June 1944!.
On June 6, 1944, a date known ever since as D-Day, a mighty armada crossed a narrow strip of sea from England to Normandy, France, and cracked the Nazi grip on western Europe!.

Well I am not so sure about the oil part!. But I can tell you that The allies wanted to get the Italians and Germans out of N!.Africa!. This all stems from a few things!. Lets start from the beginning shall we!.
Mussolini wanted to be a big dog like Hitler so he decided to "Occupy" Somaliland in east Africa around Aug 9!. A month or so later Italy invades Egypt!. Then around Oct 28th Italy invades Greece!. On Nov!. 22 Greece defeats the Italian 9th army!. From that point a series of battles between The British/Australians and the Italians take place into 41,
Hitler seeing that his allies were getting their azz kicked all over the place!. Hitler sends in the big Fritz Rommel on Feb 12 in Tripoli N!. Africa!. Two days later the first units of the legendary "Afrika Korps" arrive to reinforce the Italians!.
By this point there has been a race across the N!. African desert a few times over and many battles fought!.
Nearly a year later on Nov!. 9th 1942 Op!. Torch was launched!. Again many battles fought and more racing across the N!. African desert!.
To simplify this down, Torch was needed to rid the Axis off a front that had control of the Mediterranean waters (shipping routes)!. And to use up precious soldiers, machines and resources that could have and should of been used in Russia (which was also turning in to a Huge mess even in these earlier stages)!. Once the Germans and Italians were out of the way in Africa the real Western invasions could start!. The invasion of Sicily then the Invasion of Italy- the Soft Under Belly of Europe!.
This is a very, very brief History lesson of Africa in WWII!.Www@QuestionHome@Com