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Position:Home>History> Who was worse, Adolph Hitler or Joseph Stalin? Why?

Question: Who was worse, Adolph Hitler or Joseph Stalin!? Why!?
I have a test coming up soon on this and I'm pretty sure that the teacher will put this on the test!. Help me the best you can!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Stalin was worse in that he killed more people in prison!. also, he caused a deliberated famine in the Ukraine!. This was to punish the Ukrainians for not willingly joining his drive for the collectivization of agriculture!. This famine killed 5-7 million people!. It's estimated that another 20 million died from 1930-1953 in his network of prison camps, which were slave labor plants!. This doesn't even count the number of Polish and German civilians who were killed with impunity by Russian troops!.
But Hitler was no slacker!. He had an insane vision of a racially purified Europe with no Jews, Gypsies, Slavs and so on - only people of Aryan descent, with Germans masters of all!. The Nazis had no use for cripples, the retarded, the insane and chronic drunkards!. Drunkards were among the first to be thrown into Himmler's concentration camps!. Hitler ordered the quiet euthanization of patients in mental hospitals and institutions for the retarded!. Gays were also targeted, as the Nazis presented themselves as the keepers of morality (!)
as were pacifists such as Jehovah's Witnesses!.
Hitler's program was driven by racial hatred!. Stalin's was driven by a doctrine of class warfare and by paranoia that there was a traitor behind every bed post!.
Chairman Mao is in the same league!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Two sides of the same coin!. They're both, collectively, responsible for about 70 million deaths!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stalin!. Becaz hez a communist!. :) :) :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stalin killed more people!.

Hitler started WWII!.

Both involved in mass genocide!.

I think once you are at that sort of level 'worse' doesn't have much meaning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's such a hard question without actually having to say positive things about either, but I think Hitler was the lesser of two evils!.

I think you should look at Patton!. He's not the great guy that history makes him out to be, but he was thoroughly convinced that we should have attacked the USSR before we attacked Germany!. There's a lot of information out there about it, but what resonated with me is that the USSR had a true goal of unchecked expansion while Hitler and much of Europe were just waging centuries-old conflicts and none of his territorial gains could have been occupied permanently!.

In the US we hear a lot more about Hitler because we have a stronger Jewish voice than we do one of people from Eastern Europe, but if you listen to them you find many horrible parallels!.

I don't believe that Germany could have sustained an empire like the USSR did!. Then again, who was defeated and who lasted!? It wasn't Germany!. Hitler had all but been renounced immediately after the fall of Germany, but Stalin's influence was both stronger and longer-lasting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Trying to choose the lesser of two evils!? I frankly have not thought about the question but I don't like or admire either of them!. Such a question depends solely on your own perspective!. You can choose either of them as long as you can give good reasons!.

Hope this helps and good luck with your test!Www@QuestionHome@Com

stalin killed more people, but hitler was a bit more public about it all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I consider them both pretty evil!. Consider this, Stalin's mass killings were mostly before WW II (100,000 a year), and mostly from his purges and 'collectivization in early 30's with the latest estimate of around 20-30 million dead!. His genocide wasn't a full time occupation to his death, unlike Hitler, but that's where the comparison stops!.

When comparing the two, both were evil, both put people in concentration camps, both committed genocide, both were dictators, both!.!.!.well you get the picture!. The one factor Hitler had over Stalin tho, Hitler was insane!. Stalin was just angry and distrustful!.

Other things to consider,Stalin killed more people, Hitler started WW II, Hitler killed the Jews and some people in his nation, but he started the war that resulted in many troops dying on both sides!. Hitler may be considered the greater of both evils; tho Stalin killed more people it is said, Hitler's action ensured that those loses were as high as possible!.

It is my conclusion that Hitler may be the 'evil-er" of them all, but comparing the them is ludicrous, now that i think about it, so just forget about it!Www@QuestionHome@Com