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Position:Home>History> Can i have info about the 1920's??

Question: Can i have info about the 1920's!?!?
like pic's and info!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'll give you some info!. One of the others can give you pictures!.

In 1918, alcohol for consumption (for anything other than religious purposes) was made illegal!. This created a whole new culture in America!. Prohibition lasted until 1933, after Franklin Delano Roosevelt became President!.

speakeasy - - A hideaway bar which had a secret door!. The bouncer inside the speakeasy would open a small door and ask for a password!. Very common meeting place in the 1920s!.

Many would conclude that the making of alcohol illegal increased gangster activity!. Most gangsters wouldn't be gangsters if it weren't for the illegal activities that went with the selling of alcohol!.

Popular music was similar to what we now think of as Dixieland music!. It was jazz oriented, with a tuba player being the one to provide the bass!.

Women wore skimpy clothing for probably the first time in history!. The brassiere, which was originally invented by the Warner Brothers Corset Company in 1915, made it possible for women to wear a lot fewer clothes than they ever wore, although most women probably didn't wear anything except underpants under their clothes!. They weren't quite "briefs" yet, but they were less than the long underwear that was worn prior to this!.

Men dressed in elegant suits!.

NBC (National Broadcasting Company) began broadcasting as a radio network in 1926 as two networks: Red Network, which was the main one!. Blue Network, which separated from NBC in 1942 and became ABC (American Broadcasting Company ) in 1945!.

CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System, originally the Columbia Phonograph Records Broadcasting Network) started by William S!. Paley, Jr!., in 1929!.

Television experiments began when John Logie Baird started it in his native Scotland in 1927!.


To the one who said 1918 was in the 1920s: You don't know your history!. This had everything to do with what happened in the 1920s!. You didn't make a comment about my statement about the brassiere being invented in 1915!. Well, I'll explain my answer anyway!.!.!. Bras really didn't catch on until about 1922!. You would know this if you saw the movie (or the Broadway musical), "Thoroughly Modern Millie!." Before bras, women wore long underwear similar to what men wore!. Any comments, just send me a message on my profile page here, I welcome them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

could you be slightly more specific!?i mean quite a lot happened then!.what particular subject would you like information on!?

this is a good one with info on all kinds of things


these are 2 sites about clothing,furniture etc

http://www!.filmsite!.org/20sintro!.html has articles about cinema in the 20's

http://library!.thinkquest!.org/C005846/ca!.!.!. sports etc

last time i checked 1918 was not in the 1920'sWww@QuestionHome@Com

yes you can!.

what is your focus, though!?
world history, US history!? something else entirely!?

http://timelines!.ws/20thcent/1900!.HTML this one you will have to "play around" a bit to get to the 1920s


there are some starting places for youWww@QuestionHome@Com