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Position:Home>History> Was the Monroe Doctrine connected to the Jackson Democracy?

Question: Was the Monroe Doctrine connected to the Jackson Democracy!?
Can someone help please answer my question!. Was the Monroe Doctrine connected to the Jackson Demorocy!? If so then how are they connected!. Or what do they have to do with each other!. Thank you for your help ^^Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, the two are quite separate!.
The MD is a foreign policy issue!. The MD was a policy that held that foreign, namely European, powers should not control any country in the Americas!.
Jacsonian Democracy refers to the fact that under Jackson, and later presidents, the common man had increased status!. Before male property owners were voters, now any adult male!. Other aspects: the country would expand westward according to the principles of manifest destiny; in national government the executive branch became more powerful while the power of Congress was decreased!.Www@QuestionHome@Com