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Position:Home>History> Was ralph waldo emerson a conductor on the underground rail road?

Question: Was ralph waldo emerson a conductor on the underground rail road!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I found a website which says, specifically, that Henri David Thoreau, a contemporary of Emerson's, was "actively" involved in the Underground Railroad (which of course was not a physical railroad, but a secret network of contacts designed to help slaves move north to freedom!.


?The observant and humorous accounts of various journeys he made in this period were published posthumously in Excursions (1863), The Maine Woods (1864), Cape Cod (1865), and A Yankee in Canada (1866)!. He became a dedicated abolitionist and actively helped speed fleeing slaves north on the Underground Railroad while lecturing and writing against slavery!.!.!.!.?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, his family home was a stop!. See below!.Www@QuestionHome@Com