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Position:Home>History> What does these vocab terms have to do with each other?

Question: What does these vocab terms have to do with each other!?
how would i connect all of the following terms:
Mexican Revolution (of 1911) Porifio Diaz, Panch Villa/Emiliano Zapata, Victoriano Huetra, Mexican Constitution of 1917
if u cant connect them all just please tell me what they all mean or do or something lol
thanks for any help, its much aprciated

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The two sources below will tell you all you need to know!. Basically the Mexican Revolution of 1911 is similar to the revision of the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution in US History!. The men you list are the important players who helped shape modern Mexico!.Www@QuestionHome@Com