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Question: Federalism!?
can some one define federalism in easy to understand terms!.
What did southerners not like about federalism!?
How can southerners verbally defend the underground railroad!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
federalism is basically the power one have over the other!. For example, southerner did not like federalism because they feel that as a state, they should have state's rights and not national ones!. (South Carolina considered this at first during that time)!. Abolishinists (or people who opposed slavery) helped the slaves out in the underground railroad to escape!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The distribution of legislative authority between a central government having jurisdiction over national issues and provincial governments having jurisdiction over regional issues, as established in the Constitution Act, 1867!.

This country was not founded as a federalist enterprise!. It was a collection of individual states with state's rights and self determination!.
Many people believe the civil war was about freedom for the slave population!.
However, it was really about Abe wanting a central government that controlled the individual states and subverted the original intent of the founding of the Union!. Which was to provide for a common defense, to coin money, (not print money, which is against the original constitution too), to provide for embassies in foreign lands (dept of state), judiciary (to settle disputes between the individual states and the commerce department to negotiate between the states and foreign businesses for the goods and services of the states and their populations!. the entire founding fathers' dream is basically dead!.
four cabinets:

Now, there are 15 with the federalists controlling every aspect of the lives of individual state citizens: