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Position:Home>History> Is a tsar in Europe like a president in MExico?

Question: Is a tsar in Europe like a president in MExico!?
did they hold the same powers in their revolutions!?how r that similar and how are they differentWww@QuestionHome@Com

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The Tsar of russia had absolute power and generally ruled with and iron fist!. Tsar means emperor, not king, not prince, emperor and was taken from latin (Caesar), the heir to the throne was the tsesarevitch, usually just called tsarevich, the shortened form!. Tsars ruled by divine right and the title was handed down from father to son!. I know nothing about the mexican revolution but i doubt it was anything like the Russian revolution!. the Russian revolution was a gradual building of steam for almost 100 years when it finally boiled over in the years preceeding the first world war!. The Tsar and his family were killed in 1918, and in October 1917, the bolsheviks had taken over the russian government!. The bolsheviks were a communist party led by Vladimir ILyich Ulyanov who went by many names including Lenin!. The government of the Tsar had fallen because of its lack of a sense of reality and becuase most of the aristocrats had no idea what was going on in the real Russia!. The Empress truly believed that the russian people loved her and adored her!. Another part of the fall was the disease of the tsarevich Alexei (sometimes translated to Alexis), Hemophilia caused the 'mad monk' commonly referred to as Rasputin to be involved, his disease also partially caused the detachment of the royal family from everyone (St!. Petersburg society, rusiian people, politicians, everyone that wasn't in the empress's inner circle or was somehow involved in caring for the heir did not know the disease existed, and therefore attributed the empress's, and imperial family's detachment to the empress and they said that she hated russia and russians and called her the "german b***h")!. These are the main factors in the Russian revolution and the fall of the Romanovs!. The only other revolution I can think of that owuld be comparable is the french revolution in which Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI were guillotined, although as far as i know the Russian revolution ended in a much worse way, with dictatorships and communism for the next 75 years and the french were still the height of fashion and a growing empire in strenth and territory; and continue to be even after more than 200 years!.

I know nothing about the Mexican Revolution but I hope this helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No tsar is the Russian pronunciation of Cesar which is an king/emperor!.

A president is elected by the people and is a leader of a democracy which some or all people have say!.

Tsars are born into power and rule till death and have total powerWww@QuestionHome@Com

tsar means prince or king so i dont think so!.!.!. i am from europe so i would know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com