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Position:Home>History> How important was the railway to the settlement of the Plains?

Question: How important was the railway to the settlement of the Plains!?
With the homeboarders and everything!? Some intelligent answers please and I'll give points!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
At first they didn't have too much of an effect!.

People used wagon for a long time before the railroads went out there!.

Railroads did help some in the early days, they got the would-be settlers from the Eastern areas of the US to the plains areas!.

When the railroads actually did go out there it helped boost the population!. Towns sprang up around the stations needed to keep the trains going!. Some of those towns disappeared again when those stations were less needed, some of them grew into major cities!.Www@QuestionHome@Com