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Position:Home>History> Who won the vietnam war?

Question: Who won the vietnam war!?
many people say north vietnam won but why did they still pay war reparations!? cna any1 tell me who won im confused rofl!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The U!.S!. pulled out and eventually Viet Nam went communist!. They paid the cost of rebuilding because they wanted a whole country!. Therefore, it must be concluded that the north won!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no one won, fighting between N and S nam occured but neither gained or lost much land by the end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No-one wins wars, they never have and they never will!. There were millions of deaths of men, women and children all because of an ego issue between leaders as to who was right and who was wrong!.

Until we outlaw/ban war as a concept the human race will never reach it's full potential!. If the USA alone stopped spending on arms for just 90 days, it would mean the end of world poverty- just 90 days! When we remember that we are all ONE we will remember that every human being deserves the respect and basic needs as food, clean water, shelter and education and health care!.Www@QuestionHome@Com