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Question: WW1 question!?
why did Germany lose WW1!? I know two reasons only!.!.!. The help from America and that there was a two front-war!.

If you know anymore reasons please tell me, If you got the info from the site or a book please refer it to me!. Would really appreciate it :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Germany accepted an Armistice and the Terms of the onerous Treaty of Versailles!.

Germany essentialy captiulated and gave up in the face of overwhelming British, French and American forces!. Germany had prevailed in the East and had won huge territory gains in the Ukraine!.

The German war machine shot its last bolt in the Michael Offensive of 1918!. The attrition of trench warfare had cost Germany over 3 million of its men!.

The German economy had begun to collapse at home and the political turmoil that would utlimately produce Nazism had already begun!.

Germany simply could no longer sustain its war effort!. Losses in men and material could not be replaced and with the full power of America finally committed to the war, even the Prussian General Staff realized there was no way to win the war!.

And lastly, the Germans hung their hope for a negotiated peace on Woodrow Wilson's 14 Points!. In those points, the Germans saw a chance for peace without war guilt and a chance to remain an equal with its neighbors!.

Lloyd George and Clemenceau wanted revenge however, and in reaping their vengeance sowed the seeds of the next war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because Britain declared war with Germany, Britain wanted to help France and other countries who had been deeply affected by Germany's attacks!. Britain and Germany had a war!. Britain said: if you win, then you've won the war but if we win then you lose the war and the war is over!. So they had the war and Britain won!.Www@QuestionHome@Com