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Position:Home>History> What did winston churchill do to become a world figure?

Question: What did winston churchill do to become a world figure!?
im stuck!.!.i know that churchill led Great Britain during WW2 and helped the allies and kept peace after WW2 and he won a nobel prize in literacy!.!.and he was a very good speech maker!.!.but is there anything else im missing!?!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
While working as a journalist during the Boer War he was captured and made a prisoner-of-war before escaping!.

In 1900, Churchill became Conservative member of parliament for Oldham!. But he became disaffected with his party and in 1904 joined the Liberal Party!. When the Liberals won the 1905 election, Churchill was appointed undersecretary at the Colonial Office!. In 1908 he entered the Cabinet as president of the Board of Trade, becoming home secretary in 1910!. The following year he became first lord of the Admiralty!. He held this post in the first months of World War One but after the disastrous Dardanelles expedition, for which he was blamed, he resigned!. He joined the army, serving for a time on the Western Front!. In 1917, he was back in government as minister of munitions!. From 1919 to 1921 he was secretary of state for war and air, and from 1924-1929 was chancellor of the exchequer!.

When war broke out in 1939, Churchill became first lord of the Admiralty!. In May 1940, Neville Chamberlain resigned as prime minister and Churchill took his place!. His refusal to surrender to Nazi Germany inspired the country!. He worked tirelessly throughout the war, building strong relations with US President Roosevelt while maintaining a sometimes difficult alliance with the Soviet Union!.

Churchill lost power in the 1945 post-war election but remained leader of the opposition, voicing apprehensions about the Cold War (he popularised the term 'Iron Curtain') and encouraging European and trans-Atlantic unity!. In 1951, he became prime minister again!. He resigned in 1955, but remained an MP until shortly before his death!. As well as his many political achievements, he left a legacy of an impressive number of publications and in 1953 won the Nobel Prize for Literature!.

Churchill was also an able historian!. His most famous works are The World Crisis (4 vol!., 1923-29), My Early Life (1930), Marlborough (4 vol!., 1933-38), The Second World War (6 vol!., 1948-53), and A History of the English-Speaking Peoples (4 vol!., 1956-58)!. He received the Nobel Prize for literature and a knighthood in 1953!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He liked his napsWww@QuestionHome@Com

He was the leader of Britain during World War II!. He was for the most part, the FDR of Britain!. I think all of your statements relate to the fact that he was a good leader!. A good leader needs to be able to not only lead the people, but convince them, to have their support, and to give them encouragement, support, and hope!. Having good speaking skills makes a good leader (Ronald Reagan, although he had his flaws, was a GREAT president partly because he was able to so effectively communicate his ideas)!. In the same way Churchill gave the people hope, and people had faith in him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you've pretty much got it there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Draw your own conclusions from the source-link and good luck !

He was an important and at times maverick and controversial
figure in British politics and hence on the world stage !. His first post as a junior minister in the British government was as early as 1906 and he held senior posts intermittently from 1910 to 1929!. Throughout the 30s he was in the political wilderness but used every opportunity to criticise the government for its supine attitude to rearmament by the dictators!. At this time he was admired by some and loathed by others [ including one Adolf Hitler] but he relished the controversy which he aroused!.Www@QuestionHome@Com