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Position:Home>History> Which is better for a world war 2 project?

Question: Which is better for a world war 2 project!?
I think that The Dutch were imporatant in the war!. So was what happened after the war!. Which one is beter to research on!? The Dutch with world War 2, or what happened after the war!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The occupation of the Netherlands, contrasting the heroism of the Dutch resistance with the Dutch nazi sympathisers particularly those who served as a special unit in the SS!. The hardships the Dutch suffered especially towards the end of the war and the battles on Dutch soil necessary for their liberation!. Ask a librarian to help you with source material!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think what happened after the war is a good research material!.!.i mean there already are countless articles and documentaries about and during WW2 but not much about how the people cope and what's the status of the country [in this case the Netherland] after the war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com