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Position:Home>History> How did disagreement over states' rights and federal sovereignty affect reco

Question: How did disagreement over states' rights and federal sovereignty affect reconstruction plans!?
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Well, there was three different Reconstruction plans!. First, Lincoln's Ten-Percent plan was that property was to be rebuilt and that the Confederacy had to readmmited to the Union!. Confereate soldiers had to be pardoned for their role in the civil war (only ten-percent of the 1860 voting list had to be punished)!. As for the Johnson Plan, by Andrew Johnson (president after Lincoln's death), there came the creation of re-unifying the Confederacy and the Union!. There wasn't much disagreement because Johnson eventually developed the Freedmen's Bureau, which helped out black slaves with food, clothes, supplies, etc!. His plan also included the fourteenth amendment, plus the rebuilding over public areas!. As for the Congree plan, it was about slave's role in society and in the economy!. It finally established the 15th amendment, which states for voting!.

What I'm saying is that there wasn't any disagreement over state's rights or federal sovereignty because Reconstruction united the union and the confederacy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com